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RefillWise Blog

Read about member success stories, tips on saving on your prescriptions, and other exciting healthcare news.

RefillWise: Combating the Rising Cost of Prescription Drugs

by Kylie Menocal June 19, 2017 News

It is no secret that the cost of prescription drugs has increased, and prices will likely continue to rise. You shouldn't have to choose between your health and finances. How can you combat the rising cost of prescription drugs? The answer is simple: use RefillWise.

RefillWise Is Free

A free way to save money on prescriptions may sound too good to be true, but we believe in helping — regardless of whether you have insurance or where you shop. A free RefillWise pharmacy discount card saves up to 80% on prescription medicines and Rx equipment like nebulizers, inhalers, or diabetes test strips. There is no cost to you at any time, ever. Seriously. Our free card works at most pharmacies in the United States and Puerto Rico, and there are no limits on how often you can use the card for yourself, your family members, or your pets. Our card is not a coupon, so it never expires and won't increase healthcare costs. By texting JOIN to 22822 you instantly save an average of 40% on your prescriptions.

RefillWise Rewards Your Loyalty with Cash

We are the only free pharmacy discount provider sharing our profits with you when you use your RefillWise card at a pharmacy. You earn a $5 cash reward when you use your card to fill your first prescription with RefillWise, then another $5 reward after every tenth prescription filled. The cash rewards can be used on any item in the store of your choosing (CVS, Target, or Walmart), whether for groceries, your next prescription, or other necessities. RefillWise will neither drive up insurance premiums nor interfere with your ability to earn loyalty points if you have a pharmacy loyalty card. No matter which way you look at it, RefillWise saves you money and gives money back to you.

RefillWise Is a Community

Over one million members strong, RefillWise believes in the power of community. We understand the importance of family, savings, and health, and strive to support all of those through our business. We encourage families to share one card so that they earn more cash rewards fast. We have discounts on pet medications and prescription medicines for people of all ages. RefillWise is available for use by anyone in the United States and Puerto Rico, regardless of income or insurance status. We take pride in making prescriptions more affordable so that you, your family, and all in our community can lead happier, healthier lives.

Affordable prescriptions start now. Join RefillWise to combat rising drug prices and let us know how much money you save.

Read about member success stories, tips on saving on your prescriptions, and other exciting healthcare news.


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Free discount card to save money on prescriptions
Save up to 80% and earn cash rewards!